I was totally inspired by a tshirt remake tutorial I read about in
MADE. I must say this tutorial scared me at first. The end product looks so professional and cute, I really didn't think I could pull it off.
I had the day off work yesterday and was hanging out at home. No kids, no husband, just me and the morning show! I sat down on the floor with my computer and an old grotty onesie I found in my daughters dresser, (WAY too small I must add) my scissors, some scrap material for pattern pieces and a whole pile of doubt! After drawing and cutting my pattern pieces to the best of my ability, I grabbed an old 3 button, collar shirt from Jeff's closet. (I don't think I EVER saw him wear it)
Then the hacking began. I'm always so scared to make that first snip. A few hours later and a few trips back to the tutorial on my laptop, I finally had a finished product. AMAZED! It wasn't too painful. Really pretty easy in fact. I had a few tweaks to do to the pattern and that was it. So, after that success, I jumped in the car and headed to the salvation army to find some tshirts. Score! I got some really cute ones!
Then it was off to get kids from school and daycare and head out to karate class. Where did my day go? They never seem to go this fast at the office!
Post karate, I cranked out another one! Once the kiddos got to bed, another pattern (different size for my daughter) and another shirt were born. 12:04 a.m., 0.6 oz. 16 inches long. (Mama and shirt are doing well)
So, I must say... I seem to be off and running with this project. The possibilities are endless!
(This is the midnight top. The other two have yet to be photographed on the busy body of my 5 year old.)